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Tag Archives: vegan

The following blog entry is a work of fiction and bears no relation to existing people or events.


Cold as Efthimia Sitting On An Iceberg
vegan glutten-free Greek ice cream recipe
by drs. Efthimia Dilpizoglou


– Δύο Αμερικανοί φασίστες αλεσμένοι, άσπροι
– Τέσσερις Αμερικανοί φασίστες δικηγόροι λιωμενοι, λευκοί
– Τρεις Ολλανδοί φασίστες δικηγόροι θρυμματισμένοι, χλωμοί
– Δέκα Ολλανδοί και Αμερικανοί φασίστες δικαστές μαλακισμένοι, βιασμένοι, τεμαχισμενοι, εξαφανισμενοι και μη, γαλανοαιμοι
– Ενας Ελληνας παιδεραστης ολόκληρος, μόνο ΠΟΠ (Προστατευόμενη Οικογενειοκρατία Προέλευσης)
– Ανταρκτικός πάγος, 2-3 παγόβουνα μπλε
– τρεις κουταλιές ζάχαρη
– απόσταγμα απόστημα βανίλιας
– blue food colouring


Η εκτέλεση των υλικών είναι η ίδια η εκτέλεση. Chill well before serving into a hot oven. Whipped scream and crazy nuts optional. Anything less than the best is a felony.

How vegans really talk about “non-vegans”, ie. 98% of the general public who are omnis,  on the social media website Tumblr: “give them an ultimatum”… remember that other vegan on WordPress who was advocating in favour of mass murdering omnis? But but but, they love cuddly animals, they wouldn’t hurt a human being now would they? –>

The following videos supposedly show child abuse and animal abuse, at least according to American animal rights extremists. The videos below actually show a group of American white children in the rural part of the State of Oklahoma learning from their parents, themselves farmers and homesteaders, how to process a dead pig that they themselves had raised into individuals chunks of meat. Every single one of these videos is hidden behind an agewall as if it were pornography. I can go on Youtube right now and watch pornography with no age-check whatsoever, but no, it’s these videos that Youtube wants to protect children from:

Once upon a time you could freely watch these videos on Youtube, as they were clearly meant to be instructional tutorials and were thus considered uncontroversial. The parents in these videos stated on their channel that they had consciously decided not to show the actual culling of the animal for that very reason, to stress the fact that these videos are meant to be instructional. But the vegan censorship brigade went and falsely flagged these videos as “animal abuse”, so Youtube caved into their censorious demands and decided to put these videos behind a age-wall, which is completely ridiculous because the children shown in these videos are themselves minors. Youtube is basically saying that the rural children who appear in these videos should not be allowed to watch their own videos, at least as far as Youtube’s own idiot brigade of censors is concerned. Censorship always tends to get kinda funny and absurd like that. The fact is that young children can go on Youtube right now and watch vegan gorefest documentaries like Earthlings uncensored, but don’t you dare show children an instructional video of how a dead animal is actually processed by the children who raised that animal themselves.

Actually, every child in the whole wide world needs to know this and needs to be able to do what is shown in these videos in case of an emergency situation, but I’ve seen vegans argue that teaching a child to do this constitutes a form of child abuse, which is ridiculous because these kids are homesteading in the middle of Oklahoma after having homesteaded(? is this a word in English?) in South America. But then again, animal rights extremists aren’t about protecting children, they are about controlfreak censorship and would much rather like to keep everyone ignorant of the survival skills that have kept humanity alive through the aeons in the name of animal rights, doing so in the first world country of America where there are more animal shelters than facilities for homeless children.

No comment :\

And then a documentary maker went and made this, almost as if to make up for the horror movie:

“When someone tells you they’re speaking for the voiceless, don’t forget to ask who they’re talking over.”

Preservation Official Trailer 1 (2015) – Horror Movie HD

About the white vegan savior industrial complex….

I could write an article like the following one myself, but instead of it being about the “white savior industrial complex” and “voluntourism”, it would be about vegan animal rights zealots’ voluntourism at animal sanctuaries in third world countries like Cambodia and Thailand. There is really no difference between the “white savior industrial complex” and the “white vegan savior industrial complex”, the only difference being that animals replace the poor in the latter industrial complex. The context of “voluntourism” and selfishly wanting to collect experiences under the guise of “making a difference” is very much the same.

“If Americans want to care about Africa,” Cole wrote, “maybe they should consider evaluating American foreign policy, which they already play a direct role in through elections, before they impose themselves on Africa itself.”

“Marijn is a young mother trying to kick her meat habit with the help of a slaughterer and a psychologist.” #first_world_problems


“Food fighter” Valentin Thurn travels the world in search of solutions for the impending food shortage.

Five weeks of eating disposed food in the fight against waste, this is a journey among polluters and problem solvers.

That said, this is so awful it does make me consider veganism, briefly –>

… as if communism would’ve treated the trans group any different from the way communism treated homos and women!

In the previous two blog articles this week, I showed by means of actual mainstream documentaries what communism really did to women and homosexuals. Coincidentally I recently discovered the following Youtube channel, representative of yet another group of people in America that is mindlessly getting into communism:

The videos in this “detransition” channel, run by a certain “Nadia Yvette Chambers” (? real name?), have mock-provocative/ironic titles such as “Atheist Anarchist Communism and Vegan Transgender Feminism” (!) or “Quantifying the Atheist Anarcho-Communist Transsexual Feminist Vegan Self” (!!) or “The Gawdless Anarcho-Communist Transsexual Feminist Agenda” (!!!). These videos come in series of dozens and dozens videos that are each about 7-8 hours long on average. Nevertheless this channel has over a 1000 viewers with each video having hundreds of views, so someone out there is actually watching this! Who is watching all this? Surely not the maker himself who should’ve taken the time to edit his videos out of courtesy to his viewers and seems to make an effort out of broadcasting his every waking moment on Youtube. The owner of the channel describes his mission as “I Bring Soviet Sexual Chaos to America” (a 72 part series of 7-8 hour videos) and promises “A Soviet Vagina for Every Transsexual Woman Contrary to Christ”. A dedicated commie pinko if there ever was one :\ This channel by Nadia takes the American communist fannishness to a whole new level of ridiculous devotion, which Nadia can always distance himself from by claiming he is merely being ironic or provocative.  Transsexuals apparently are another social group in the United States of America who, witnessing American society collapse all around them, imagine the Soviet Union being some kind of a gay paradise, when, if actual communist history is anything to go by, most of these lovestruck ignoramuses would’ve ended up a communist conversion camp. I have even come across American homos in the social media celebrating the fact that Maoist party luminaries were exposed to be closet gays, ignoring the fact that Maoist communism actually repressed homos, as one can plainly read on Wikipedia:

While many dissidents would be imprisoned, it is unclear if LGBT people were specifically targeted for oppression due to their sexual identity. Reportedly, Mao Zedong believed in the sexual castration of “sexual deviants” (Randy Shilts. “Conduct Unbecoming”) but little is known about the Communist Chinese governments official policy with regards to homosexuality prior to the 1980s.

Even as late as the early 1980s, there were some Chinese men seeking asylum in other countries reported that they had faced systematic discrimination and harassment from the government because of their sexual orientation as well as similar mistreatment from family members. Likewise, the Chinese government did treat homosexuality as a disease and subjected gay men to electric shock therapy and other attempts to change their sexual orientation

The usual excuse offered in the social media for this American love-affair with communism is that the European hang-up on communism is just a European thing that American homos need not be concerned with because communism was never a ruling ideology in America… which is like saying fascism would be a good idea in the US because there never was an American Hitler (was there? 😉 ) and the European hang-up with Nazis is just a European frustration that should have no bearing on Americans. It’s like Americans will bend themselves out of shape to make up excuses allowing them to salvage what they think is American communism while disavowing any association with its working ruling manifestation at the other side of the globe, which was DICKtatorial Stalinism, Maoism and the killing fields of Southern Asia.

The following is an excerpt from the documentary S21, The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine which was screened at the 2004 edition of the IDFA. Communism is in line with vegan animal rights ideology because the animal rights field does not recognize the concept of human rights or the idea that there is a difference between human beings and animals, or the idea that human life is important and should be protected, therefore, it is acceptable under communism to treat a human being worse than an animal, which is exactly what the Khmer Rouge killing machine did. –>

Anyway, I am going to post the link again to the documentary Children of the Decree and the excerpt about communist conversion therapy and prison camps from the documentary Improper Conduct in the hopes that Nadia and his followers will watch these documentaries and wisen up about communism. Communism was no friend of women and homos, or anyone other than the Party Elite for that matter, and if trans had been around during communism they wouldn’t have been treated any different from women and homos and any other person who wasn’t part of the Party Elite. Again, I can totally understand Americans wanting to criticize or even reject their capitalist system, but this a-historical love-affair with communism is not the way to do it.


When Josh raped Shelley (short horror movie screenplay)
by drs. Efthimia Dilpizoglou
(c) 2016 all rights reserved



All characters and events depicted in this film are entirely fictitious. Any similarity to actual events or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental.


The upbeat tune Surfin’ USA plays.

“Inside-outside USA”
“Inside-outside USA”
“Inside-outside USA”

“Inside-outside USA”
“Inside-outside USA”
“Inside-outside USA”

POV SMALL WHITE BLONDE, standing next to her a HUGE GERMANIC-LOOKING AMERICAN-SOVIET CREEP, both in black body-hugging thermal suits, posing with their surf-boards for the camera, laughing and making peace-signs.



Animal rights posters on the walls in the background. Then ECU of SMALL BLONDE’s contorted face in the midst of a rape.

raspy NARRATOR (V.O.)

An insider’s look at
American rape culture
and online date-rape

CUT TO: zoom out from ECU rape-face to show SMALL BLONDE getting raped by the HUGE AMERICAN CREEP now dressed up like a hasbeen gothic S&M dom (EXACTLY like that elite pedo-punk in the I’m Not A Fucking Princess film) going bald with fake gothic hair extentions clipped into his receeding hairline, his black leather pants down to his knees screaming obscenities and making threats.


FAT HISPANIC WOMAN jacking off with a vibrator in the one hand and a joint in the other, laughing sadistically at the rape scene before her.

raspy NARRATOR (V.O.) (CONT’D)

Soon on a Youtube screen near YOU. BOO!



Scene from the American movie The Midnight Meat Train (2008), based on the 1984 short horror story of the same name by the British author Clive Barker, wherein the tragic protagonist has his tongue cut out by the subterranean elites he is thus forced to serve.

Mister “Ronald Vincent” or whatever your real name is,

I live in a country where it is illegal to advocate in favour of mass murder. Because of our history we Europeans know all about mass-murder, genocide and ethnic cleansing, especially when these are aided, abetted, perpetrated and promoted by America to serve its geopolitical agenda. If a European vegan had posted something similar to what you have written and posted on your WordPress blog, they would have already been home-raided, detained, indicted and jailed for criminal incitement and criminal threats.

Since you have no problem with advocating in favour of murdering a group of people simply on the basis of their diet, this diet being the diet of choice for the majority of people in Europe who are omnivores, you are banned from commenting on my blog. I am not going to let you post whatever you want just because you think that you as an American should be able to wipe your ass with what is legal and illegal in other countries around the world and assume you can do so simply because you are expressing yourself on the internet under the First Amendment. There is no First Amendment where I live, period. You might imagine yourself are above the law because you have, quote, “no respect for human law”, but you are not above the law on this blog.

Lastly, given the long and documented history of American vegan animal rights activists abusing the courts to intimidate, harass, bankrupt, violate and silence their critics (source and source), going as far as to use a faux SWAT team with fake badges as a coercion tactic against their targets (source), I feel that vegans and animal rights activists should be blanked-banned all over the internet and not be allowed to post anything anywhere. American vegan animal rights activists are the modern day equivalent of book-burners and witch-burners. They should be subjected to the exact same censorship they have forced others to endure. Don’t come around here expecting people with far less speech than you to give you a podium. And don’t fucking tell me how you are willing to die for my right to free speech and other such jingoistic American platitudes. You Americans have waged endless globalist wars and have murdered 20 million people since the 2nd WW to maintain your “freedoms”, such as the very American “freedom” to advocate in favour of mass-murder on the internet. Your American rights are penned in the blood of your victims.

drs. Efthimia Dilpizoglou

American vegans on WordPress: “Let’s start shooting those who murder animals” –>

An American vegan animal rights activist who goes by the name of “Ronald Vincent” (is this a real or a fake name?) who is apparently associated with an organization that calls itself the Animal Rights Leadership Council and is using a Los Angeles PO Box address posted the following article on recently:

“Let’s start shooting those who murder animals”

Let’s Start Shooting Those Who Murder Animals

Sooo, when is the Openbaar Ministerie going to indict the author of this blog and throw him in jail for openly advocating for the murder of omnis?

Oh, that’s right, he’s American and he gets to openly advocate in favour of mass-murder all day long with no consequences. As an American vegan, he can advocate the mass-murder of omnis on his American blog and broadcast that content to countries where such statements are against the law. The Openbaar Ministerie, which jails its own citizens for saying “fuck the king” at a political rally and also jailed a rapper for saying “fuck the police” at a rap concert, is perfectly fine with Americans broadcasting such content into the Netherlands. As if an American advocating mass-murder were any different from a Dutch person advocating mass-murder. I have repeatedly explained on my blog that if the Openbaar Ministerie were really concerned about incitement it should go ahead and jail anyone and everyone who advocates mass-murder, regardless of who or where they are… but apparently Americans get a blank check from the Openbaar Ministerie to advocate mass-murder.

American vegans can advocate in favour of mass-murder on WordPress, as long as they are Americans… but don’t you dare call them “eco-terrorists” for doing so, because that’s “criminal defamation”. Anyway, it should be abundantly clear that the Openbaar Ministerie doesn’t give a flying fuck about putting a stop to incitement. The mere fact that the above WordPress article is allowed to exist plainly demonstrates how Americans in Los Angeles are allowed to post their mass-murder advocacy on the internet all day long targeting everyone around the world who eats animal products *simply because they are Americans*. The opportunistic and hypocritical manner that the Dutch authorities claim jurisdiction over Dutch speech posted on American sites while simultaneously denying jurisdiction when it is Americans themselves who are advocating mass-murder, all this plainly shows that the purpose of international criminal law is to re-enforce American exceptionalism and American white supremacy through selective censorious fascism.

Either all incitements are illegal speech, or none of them are. There can be no legal exceptionalism or favouritism towards Americans in this matter.

But then again, these American vegans literally consider themselves above and beyond the law and plainly state so on their blogs. From the same blog as the above article: –>

“I Am A Lawyer. But I Have No Respect For Human Law.”

I Am A Lawyer. But I Have No Respect For Human Law.

So there you have: vegans opportunistically abuse the courts to silence their critics, but they will openly declare themselves above the law because they “have no respect for human law”. If a Dutch lawyer ever posted a blog article saying “Ik ben een advocaat maar ik heb geen respect voor de door mensen bedachte wetten” he would be disbarred overnight and banned from ever practicing law again. Why is an American lawyer allowed to post this and to broadcast it into countries where such statements are illegal? Because Americans are above the law, and international globalist law was put in place to reinforce the white supremacy of Americans.

So, here we have an American animal rights activist who claims he “doesn’t respect human law” but is all too happy to exploit the fact that the very human law called the First Amendment gives his Yankee ass the right to openly advocate for the mass-murder of omnis on his blog and to broadcast these views even into countries where expressing such views is illegal and criminal. If “Ronald Vincent” were posting such articles in Europe he would’ve already been arrested for incitement. Instead he wallows in his American exceptionalism to post such things on his American blog all day and broadcast them all around the world with no legal consequences. Afterall, who cares about Americans advocating mass-murder on their blogs when Americans are free to mass-murder around the globe under the guise of fighting terrorism?