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Monthly Archives: June 2016

Reblogged from the WordPress blog:

Once the Member State makes the decision to withdraw and gives the European Council notice of its intention to leave, the clock begins running and — subject to two exceptions — the treaties cease to apply to the departing Member State after two years. The first exception is that the two-year rule does not apply if the departing State reaches agreement on the terms of departure before the expiry of the two-year period. The second exception is that the European Council — with the agreement of the departing State — can agree to extend the negotiation period beyond two years.

[T]he question arises whether the UK Government — whether in its present or some revised configuration — might be so impatient about Brexit as to seek to hasten its practical consequences by amending or repealing the European Communities Act 1972. The Act might, for instance, be amended so as unilaterally to qualify or remove the principle that EU law takes priority over UK law, to block new EU laws from taking effect in the UK, or to adjust or displace the jurisdiction of the Court of Justice of the European Union in respect of the UK. Such steps would, however, be highly inadvisable, not least because they would risk legal chaos by placing the British and EU legal regimes on a collision course with one another prior to the UK’s having extricated itself, as a matter of international law, from the EU legal order. It is in no-one’s interests — including Britain’s — that the UK should play fast and loose with its international obligations; at a time of immeasurable instability, an orderly departure is imperative.

Indeed, it is no exaggeration to say that the process of disentangling EU and domestic law will be a Herculean effort that will occupy law-makers for a considerable amount of time to come, and will have to be undertaken carefully and thoughtfully.

Source: Brexit | Legally and constitutionally, what now?

Translation: No, your European Arrest Warrant is NOT “scrapped” simply because of a Brexit vote. It’s possible to be outside of the EU but to remain obliged under European law to other European countries. Stop peddling nonsense across Twitter.

Excerpted from a Greek music documentary on the rebetika legend Markos Vamvakaris:


He wasn’t allowed to sing these lyrics during the dictatorship of Metaxas, but the fact is if someone wrote similar lyrics today they too would be censored.

The reality with free speech in Greece  nowadays is more like this, with the same censorship of bloggers we see everywhere else in Europe:

Blogger, άνεργος και εθελοντής διασώστης, που κατήγγειλε αντεργατική συμπεριφορά εταιρίας security, καταδικάστηκε ερήμην με χρηματική πληρωμή και εάν δεν την πληρώσει η ποινή του θα είναι φυλάκιση 12 μηνών.

Κυβέρνηση: «Θα τσακίσω τα μικρά blogs, θα δώσω λεφτά στα συστημικά ενημερωτικά portals και θα πω πως είμαι αριστερή»

το Γρύλισμα takes on many different forms respective to the person it attaches itself to.

The best essay ever written about the European Union:


I came across these images:

This 2008 artwork by the female artist Jane Frere, consisting of 3000 hung figures made of cloth and hung using fishline, is meant to represent Palestinians that have been driven from their homes under Israeli occupation, but for me this image instantly reminded me a series of short horror stories I had written a few years ago, one of which was titled Skeleton Key: Hidden Place, part 1 where my character recurring character of the blogger, the anti-heroine of my short stories, manages to sneak into the castle of her enemy, the professional S&M pornographer, and once there she notices that there’s blood dripping onto her from above. She looks up and is horrified as she witnesses that the professional S&M pornographer has hung every girl he has ever used up and gutted from the ceiling to dry like saucages in the wind.

I described the image like this in the story:

I once wrote a series of short horror stories one of which featured an image similar to this art work. In my story I described it as:

The blogger notices something dripping from above and looks up. Hanging from the ceiling, which is nearly invisible in the far distance, are countless of human forms. Is it a Japanese Butoh performance she walked into? No, it’s the gutted corpses of naked pre-pubescent girls hung out to dry in the upper currents. Imagine, “Περιμένω να δω σε κάποιο νεαρό κορίτσι το πρόσωπο της φίλης μου που κρεμάστηκε στα 17 της”. Imagine that, times innumerable, everywhere you look, again and again. The blogger remembers the words well: “αν δεν το ταϊζω γυμνά κορίτσια τρεις φορές τη μέρα θα με ρίξει σε κατατονία”. She might end up catatonic herself if she keeps looking up at all the dead girls. Κοίτα ψηλά μοιραίε αντίκρισε την όψη της ιστορίας, all of us girls have been dead for so long.

This was inspired by/an amalgamation of the following things:

1) Alex saying he had a friend who killed herself at the age of 17. He wrote the song “I Used To Call Her Kurt Cobain” about it.
2) The same essay where Alex had first mentioned το Γρύλισμα to describe his personal compulsions.
3) Alex’s song Frozen/Παγωμένο
3) A feminist performance piece by Nancy Mauro-Flude I wanted to see, but didn’t get around to seeing in Amsterdam over a decade ago titled “All of us girls have been dead for so long” which was based on excerpts from the novel ‘Pussy King of the Pirates’ by Kathy Acker. Despite not having seen the performance I kept a few of the flyers because that flyer was so simple and beautiful. I use them as a bookmarkers to this day.

But it’s another thing to see one’s mental image realized in the art work of another artist. I just love looking at these pictures and thinking that another female artist had the same image in her mind that I had, in response to something else altogether.

Disclaimer: I am not an attorney and I am not your attorney. This blog entry not intended as legal advice. If you need legal help, only consult with a barred attorney. This blog entry is an opinion piece based on my personal experiences as a citizen and is only provided for informational and entertainment purposes. The information below could be wrong or outdated so you must always check with a legal professional who can provide you with the most up-to-date legal information.

It has been brought to my attention that the J. A. ordeal is quickly spinning out of control in a really ugly way. Someone has apparently gone and tagged his house in Berlin. Or so it has been claimed on Twitter. This is escalation plain and simple and must be stopped in its tracks.

Τhe only thing I support and encourage right now is that all of the alleged victims contact the rightful authorities in the Netherlands at Openbaar Ministerie Parket Oost Brabant (Leeghwaterlaan 8, 5223 BA ‘s-Hertogenbosch Phone: 0031 88 699 1800) and Politie Brabant Zuid-Oost (Ruysdaelbaan 35, 5613 DX Eindhoven, Phone: 0031 343 578 844) for the sake of due process in a court of law. J. A.’s PhD supervisor at the University of Eindhoven, dr. prof. Daniel J Bernstein, wrote an article on his cryptology blog lamenting the fact that due process is dead on the internet and vigilantism is king. I disagree, and I believe we should restore due process right now.

In your interactions/correspondence with the above authorities, make sure to mention:
– Wetboek van Strafrecht Artikel 246 (Dutch Criminal Code article 246, sexual intimidation and molestation; involuntary kissing falls under this category)
– Wetboek van Strafrecht Artikel 242 (Dutch Criminal Code article 242, rape; includes all forms of involuntary foreplay, involuntary oral sex, involuntary manual manipulation of the genitals)
– Wetboek van Strafrecht Artikel 300 (Dutch Criminal Code article 300, maltreatment; includes making people use drugs against their will or unbeknown to them)
– Wetboek van Strafrecht Artikel 285 (Dutch Criminal Code article 285, threats; leaving a message on a person’s pillow with a text such as “Don’t make us use extreme measures. Hand it all over.” falls under this category)
– Wetboek van Strafrecht Artikel 141 (Dutch Criminal Code 141, violent assault committed by a group, ie “gangbanging”)
– Wetboek van Strafrecht Artikel 285b 1 (Dutch Criminal Code 285b1, stalking; includes  retaliatory harassment against a woman who has turned down sexual advances, or the cornering of women at a party)
– Wetboek van Strafrecht Artikel 266 (Dutch Criminal Code 266, public insult; making disparaging sexual jokes at work about colleagues falls under this category)
– Wetboek van Strafrecht Artikel 262 (Dutch Criminal Code 262, defamation; making false statements in public about having had sex with someone when you haven’t had sex in order to humiliate them in the presence of others falls under this category)

J. A. is a German resident, but he is also a PhD student in the city of Eindhoven in the Netherlands and hence the Netherlands has jurisdiction in this matter regardless of where in the world the alleged actionable conduct occured. Contrary to what you’ve read on the internet, Dutch law enforcement and prosecutorial authorities are actually extremely accomodating of charges filed by Americans against Dutch citizens over conduct that has occured in another jurisdiction than the Netherlands. Dutch authorities will happily and readily investigate such reports and will spend many years doing so if need be, over the most minor of misdemeanours. They love nothing more than to process charges filed by Americans and are extremely thorough in doing so, to the point of performing 9:00 AM home raids on suspects with 11 officers present to arrest the suspect. The suspect will be detained for at least 3 but up to a maximum of 18 days in isolation during which they will be subjected to daily interrogations until they cave in and cooperate. Repeatedly asking to have one’s attorney present during those interrogations is of no use, unless one agrees to answer the questions asked in the presence of an attorney. During those 3 to 18 days of detention, the suspect is held completely incommunicado, they have no access to media such as internet, TV or newspapers and are only allowed to call the outside world to talk to their attorney and no one else. The detention cells that suspects are held within are sexagonal units that have been designed to make it seem as if the walls are caving in on the suspect to increase their sense of guilt. There are no windows with bars as per the cliche. There are no windows at all and there is no natural sunlight, no ability to see what is going on outside. A thin bar at the top of the back of the cell made of opaque yellow plastic gives a hint of dusk and dawn outside, but this could easily be faked with lamps and one loses one’s sense of time after two days. There is no ability to hear what is happening in nearby cells or to overhear discussions in the hall. One becomes quickly aware of the fact that one is  completely isolated. One can only imagine a space station or submarine being a similarly isolating experience. One is not given or allowed a pen and paper to record anything. Not even during the interrogations. One only has ones own memory one’s disposal to record and remember what is happening, what was asked and what answer was given during interrogations. Food is served twice a day. Everything prepackaged and nothing fresh. Detention in the Netherlands is a very interesting and unforgetable experience for suspects in and of itself.

You on the other hand, as the American accuser reporting someone in the Netherlands, you will be addressed in your own American-English language by Dutch law enforcement who are all too happy to get to practice their English on you and gain valuable experience working on a transnational case such as yours. You can submit your exhibits as-is and  won’t have to pay a dime to translate anything from American English to Dutch (the public prosecutor will do it for you for free) and you will merely be interrogated about your report once by means of teleconference. Discovery in the Netherlands is extremely limited compared to the US and is not intrusive at all, because the suspect is only allowed to ask you 15 questions at the most during an interrogation, whereas the suspect will be asked up to 150 questions or more over many subsequent interrogations. Furthermore, your name as an accuser will never be published anywhere due to Dutch privacy laws, and the accused and his lawyers are obliged by bar rules to keep your identity private. They are not allowed to leak anything to the press or the internet (if they do, there will be additional prosecutions to have the information removed from the internet). That’s it. Contrary to the myths doing the rounds online, there is absolutely nothing intrusive or traumatizing about filing charges in the Netherlands as an American abroad.  In fact, if you as an American have trouble filing a report against someone yourself, there at least one or two legal firms in Amsterdam who have experience filing charges on behalf of Americans against Dutch residents who will gladly assist you with your report. Do not worry about the court being inherently biased against you as a woman or man who engages in kink. American courts might be concervative and biased against kinky lifestyles but Dutch courts aren’t like that at all. In fact, many Dutch judges are themselves BDSM practitioners and experienced sadists in their private lives (I really don’t know about their professional lives and hence can’t speak to that), and will not bat an eye or mind at all that you are too. These judges understand what the refusal to stop when someone uses their safeword means. 😉

So, let’s stop the internet vigilantism spiraling out of control, and let’s bring in the lawyers, the police, the judges and the prosecutors to do what they do best. Let’s prove dr. prof. Daniel J Bernstein wrong and let’s restore due process.

This quote hits the nail on the head when it comes to contemporary cults, especially of the hacking/techno-anarchism/LiberationTech/Information Freedom variety:

Nobody ever joins a cult.

One joins ‘a nonprofit group that promotes green technology, animal rights, or transcentendal meditation’.

One ‘joins a yoga class’ or ‘an entrepreneurial workshop’.

One ‘begins practicing an Eastern religion that preaches peace and forbearance’.

The first rule of recruitment, writes Margaret Singer, the doyenne of cult scholarship, is that a recruit must never suspect he or she is being recruited.

The second rule is that the cult must monopolize the recruit’s time. Therefore, in order to have any chance of rescuing a new acolye, it is critical to act quickly. The problem is that family and friends, much like the new cult member, are often slow to admit the severity of the situation. ‘Clients usually don’t come to me until their daughter is already to-the-tits brainwashed,’ says David Sullivan, a private investigator in San Francisco who specializes in cults. ‘By that point the success rate is very low.’

And thus we get the kind of bullshit in the hacking movement where a de facto posthumanist cult is described as “a media organization that oh just so happens to organize/participate in conventions”, and the gullible are sucking it all up like the desperate idiots that they are.


A nice article on the cult of BIG HEROIC DICK whorship. –>

Heather Marsh

Part of a series, Autonomy, Diversity, Society. Posts about our roles, relationships and governance. No article in this section is meant to stand alone, there will be a lot more coming soon that will clarify the current posts.


According to Thomas Carlyle, “The History of the world is but the Biography of great men.” and the accepted histories certainly agree with him.

Since change does not and cannot come from the masses who conform and those who may initiate radical change are shunned by society, leadership of change is taken over by Great Men, demagogues who interpret the thoughts of radicals for their own benefit and steer society in the directions most suitable to them. Great Men are accepted by the majority as they are not actually radical or unusual. They are instead a glossy version of the average, just attractive and superior enough that they can lead…

View original post 2,428 more words

I have already written here many times about the draconian fascist anti-speech laws of the censorious DICKtatorship known as the Netherlands. There is no freedom of speech in the Netherlands whatsoever. What kind of expression is legal in the Netherlands?  Here are some descriptions of American torture porn that Dutch children, and actually children across the whole of Europe, can watch on the American part of the internet right now, and there is nothing that the EU or the UN, or the Dutch Public Prosecutor or the Dutch police are going to do to stop this kind of American misogynist sexist torture porn from entering European homes and affecting European kids. Every single film scene described in the segment quoted below is supposedly legal and sanctioned by law under the First Amendment. Why is such footage of unrepentant hatred towards women allowed to be streamed into Europe, where we supposedly have anti-hate laws which are supposed to protect women? Because Americans are above the law on the internet and they get to dump and pour their sexist misogynist filth into other countries:

I recently became the recipient of three secret torture videos (complete with captions and descriptions). The anonymous senders said they trusted I’d “make good use” of them. So, with this important mission in mind, please allow me to introduce a horrifying but illuminating glimpse into the terrorist mindset.

The first footage showed a bruised and battered captive stripped naked and being kept in a small cage, a cage too small to allow the person to either stand or lie flat at full extension. The victim was wearing some kind of collar which was connected to cage itself by a long chain leash of sorts.

We next see a terrorist enter the room, open the cage, and disconnect the chain. He uses the chain leash to lead the captive out on all-fours. Interestingly, the victim makes no effort to resist but perhaps the caption explains why: “Pacification through terror.”

The last few minutes of the video involves the hate-fueled torturer pushing the captive into a prone position, face-up, and then straddling them — knees pinning the victim’s arms to the filthy floor. At this point, the sadist begins to pummel the captive’s face and upper body with punches in what looks like a MMA match without a referee. The sound of clenched fists hitting flesh is nauseating.

Video #2 begins with the victim already naked, on all-fours, and seemingly under the influence of some kind of sedative or narcotic. Three torturers are in the room.

One roughly holds the captive’s head in position so they can see what’s happening. A second terrorist inserts a clear plastic tube into the victim’s anus. At the other end of the tube is a large plastic funnel. The third abuser holds a pail filled with water.

Swimming in the water are live silvery fishes about six inches long and maybe 1.5 inches in diameter. He lifts the pail up and pours several of the fishes into the funnel. Gravity forces the fish to swim through the clear tube and into the victim’s anus.

The clip ends with a shot of the captive’s expressionless face, eyes rolling back in their head. Caption: “It should be more compliant after this treatment.”

Finally, we see another naked victim being held in an intricate restraint on a tall table. Their spread legs are held in place with knees bent up towards their chest, arms cuffed to the table at the wrists, and head held in place by a thick iron collar that’s also attached to the table.

Judging from the open cuts, bruises, welts, and scars, the victim has been subjected to a brutal beating. A terrorist stands close by, holding a small jar bearing the label “Fire Sauce.” He uses a medium-sized paintbrush to stir the sauce, bringing the gooey brush close to the victim’s nose. The victim recoils. This substance is obviously quite potent.

The laughing sadist then uses the brush to slowly and meticulously “paint” the hot sauce onto the victim’s shaved genitals. The result: harrowing shrieks and howls of agony — made even more unforgettable by the words used to describe the terror tactics: “Cannot move, cannot scream, cannot rest, cannot escape. Can only endure.”

I turned off the last video and wondered: What kind of hate must one feel to perform such torture and to film it? Who are these savages and who is funding them? ISIS? CIA? Mossad? Al Qaeda? Did this cruelty take place at Gitmo or perhaps a secret prison in North Korea?

But just then, a second e-mail arrived to reveal the origin of all three videos of sadistic abuse. And what a relief to learn it was a false alarm! The source was a popular social media website.

It wasn’t terrorism. It wasn’t torture. It wasn’t even illegal! It was just mainstream, easily accessible porn.

(And thankfully, the individuals I called “victims” were just women.)

When you read about violent gang-rapes in India, or in Brazil, or in Pakistan, or Thailand, or in Burma, or Indonesia, or in Cambodia, or in Argentina, when you read about gang-rapes in any country that isn’t Western, don’t you ever wonder whether those men have been watching American torture porn on their mobile phones? What happens when Americans stream their violent misogynist torture porn into countries that barely have any women’s rights? What happens when Americans stream their torture porn into counries where men can really have their way with women who are the most powerless or powerless females on the planet, women who literally have no access to law enforcement or the law to defend themselves against men re-enacting the torture porn they’ve seen on the internet on their bodies?
The social media site in question is Tumblr. European governments will censor their own citizens and threaten them with jail time over political speech, but they allow Americans on Tumblr to pump this torture porn filth into European homes and into the minds of European kids. Read more about this Tumblr torture-porn phenomenon in another article by the same author:

Has Tumblr mainstreamed misogyny and rape culture?

This article lists (fortunately doesn’t link to) a number of torture-porn sites that the average teenager can access on Tumblr right now as we speak. These pages are NOT hidden behind an age-wall or credit card check or anything like that, and are literally at anyone’s fingertips.

Torture videos are illegal and are taken off the internet when they are produced by ISIL, but misogynist torture video are considered legal and acceptable when it’s Americans torturing women in the name of male orgasms and so-called consent and posting this hateful filth on Tumblr.

Because expressing and depicting hate and violence against women, especially when this hatred of women is depicted in the extremely gross and grotesque torture porn such as that described above is always  protected freedom of speech, in America and in Europe and especially in the Netherlands, a country which has long been an importer of such American misogynist filth. The question remains: why is it legal to hate women in the Netherlands and why is it legal for American to make torture videos in which women are brutalized and to broadcast these into Europe? Why speech so relentlessly policed and censored in Europe, but not visual imagery expressing unmitigated hatred and violence towards women?

Why are male orgasms in the Netherlands considered more imporant than a woman’s free speech right to talk about the violent abuse she has suffered at the hands of men?!